The Shopping Experience


We here at Upper Left Records are so excited to bring vinyl to our community. We can’t wait to see you in-person at our pop-up events around town. To ensure a safe and responsible environment for all, we wanted to share with you what you can expect for your shopping experience during Covid.

Upper Left Records is in agreement with, and will follow the host business’s safe operating requirements. In addition to the host business requirements, Upper Left Records will require:

  • Each customer must wear a protective face covering when shopping with us.

  • Only one customer at a time (two if from the same household) may view our collection to maintain at least 6ft of social distance.

  • We will have Clorox wipes and we will be consistently wiping down high touch areas.


Upper Left Records will provide:

  • Contactless Payment Option (our preferred method of payment - We Accept: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and both Google & Apple Pay)

  • Hand sanitizer at the point of sale

  • Disposable gloves should customers choose they would like to wear them while shopping.

We are excited to share this musical journey with you and ask that you do your part while shopping to contribute to a healthy and safe environment. This will allow us to continue to provide these pop-up experiences.

Keep the records spinning!

UpperLeft Records

Upper Left Records, located in Everett, WA is dedicated to providing music through the timeless format of new vinyl records.

Featured: The Everett Herald


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